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Enzyme-Linked Immnoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) Methods for Detecting Antigen!

Updated by Anonymous on Saturday, 17 May 2014 | 01:46

Enzyme-Linked Immnoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) Methods for Detecting Antigen!

Enzyme-linked immnoabsorbent method can be used to detect either antigen or antibody. The ELISA method has many advantages over other methods (Table 1.0).

ELISA method is 10 to 1000 folds sensitive than the older methods like agglutination and immunoelectrophoresis. A variety of modifications of ELISA are available, some of which are described here.

Table 1.0: Advantages of enzyme immunoassays

1. Amplification effect of enzymes results in development of more sensitive assays

2. Reagents have a long shelf life and are comparatively cheap

3. A wide variety of assay configurations can be developed

4. Equipment is less costly and available widely

5. No radiation hazards

6. Can be performed in small laboratories also

ELISA to Assay Antibodies:

Known antigen is coated on to a microliter plate wells (small plastic plate, treated to maximize protein binding; contains 96 wells with a volume of 200 µl).
Human test serum is added to the well and incubated.
i. If the serum contains antibodies against the coated antigen, the antibodies bind to the antigens.
The wells are washed to remove unbound serum components.
Enzyme conjugated anti-human immunoglobulin (known as conjugate) is added to the wells and incubated.
ii. The conjugate binds to the antigen-bound antibodies in the well.
iii. If the test serum doesn’t contain antibodies against the antigen, the conjugate remains in the solution.
The wells are washed to remove unbound conjugate.
A suitable substrate is added to the wells and incubated.
iv. The enzyme of the conjugate in the antigen-antibody- conjugates complex acts upon the substrate and split the substrate to produce a coloured product. Develop­ment of color indicates that antibody specific to the antigen coated on the wells is present in the test serum.
v. Non-development of color indicates that the test serum doesn’t have antibodies against the antigen coated on the wells.
A stop solution (usually, IN sulphuric acid) is added to stop the reaction. Then the plate is kept in an ELISA reader and the optical density (OD) of the wells is measured. The OD corresponds to the amount of antibody in the test serum.
By using known concentrations of antibodies, a graph can be constructed. The antibody concentrations are plotted on the X axis and the corresponding ODs are plotted on the Y axis and a curve is drawn. By inter­polating the OD value of the test serum, the concentration of antibodies in a test serum is determined.

ELISA to Assay Antigen:

A known monoclonal antibody (referred to as primary antibody) to an antigen is coated onto the microtiter wells.
The sample supposed to contain the antigen is added to the well and incubated.
i. If the sample contains the corresponding antigen, the antigen binds to the antibody on the well and forms an antigen-antibody complex.
The wells are washed to remove unbound materials.
A known enzyme conjugated mAb (called as conjugate) against the antigen is added to the wells and the plate is incubated.
i. If the well contains antigen-antibody complex, the conjugate binds to the antigen in the complex.
ii. If there is no antigen-antibody complex, the conjugate remains in solution.
The wells are washed to remove the unbound conjugate. A suitable substrate is added and incubated.
i. If there is conjugate in the well, the enzyme of the conjugate splits the substrate and produces a colored product.
iii. Absence of development of color indicates that there is no antigen in the sample (against the antibody coated on the wells).
A stop solution is added to stop the reaction. ODs of the individual wells are read in the ELISA reader. As explained earlier a graph (consisting of different concentrations of antigens on the X axis and the corresponding ODs on the Y axis) is constructed and the curve is drawn. The concentration of the antigen in the test sample is determined by interpolation of its OD.

Antibody Capture ELISA Method:

Wells of the micro titer plate are coated with anti-human IgM antibodies.
Patient’s serum is added and incubated. The IgM antibodies in the serum bind to the anti-human IgM antibodies on the wells.
The wells are washed and then a known antigen is added and incubated.
i. If IgM antibodies against the antigen are present in the well, the antigen will bind to the IgM antibody and remain in the well.
The wells are washed to remove unbound antigen
An enzyme conjugated mAb to the antigen is added and incubated.
i. If antigen is present in the well (anti IgM-IgM-antigen complex), the conjugate will bind to the antigen.
The wells are washed to remove unbound conjugate and substrate is added.
i. Development of color indicates that IgM antibodies against the antigen are present in the patient’s serum.
ii. Non-development of color indicates that the patient’s serum doesn’t contain IgM antibodies against the antigen.
Stop solution is added and the ODs of wells are individually measured in the ELISA reader. The quantity of IgM antibodies against the antigen can be determined by drawing a graph as described earlier.
A similar procedure can be adopted to detect IgG antibodies against an antigen.
The enzymes commonly used in the ELISA techniques are horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase (Table 1.1). These enzymes are covalently coupled to mAbs. A variety of substrates are acted upon by these enzymes to produce colored products. Since the last step of the ELISA method is enzymatic, the ELISA method is extremely sensitive (i.e., very low concentrations of antigen or antibody are detectable).
Sensitivity of ELISA assays are enhanced by using additional reagents (For example, biotin/avidinimmunoassay). Recently, the use of horseradish peroxidase substrates that produce chemiluminescent products has further enhanced the sensitivity. Measurement of the rate of the reaction, rather than the extent of the reaction at a single fixed instant, gives more accurate quantitative ELISA results.
Table 1.1: Characteristics of enzymes used in enzyme immunoassays:
Characteristics Horseradish peroxidase β-Galactosidase Alkaline phosphatase
Source Horseradish Escherichia coli Bovine intestine
MW (daltons) Ca.40,000 Ca.530,000 140,000
Specific activity 250U/mg 600 U/mg 1000 U/mg
Turnover rate 10,000 318,000 250,000
Enzyme measurement Colorimetry, fluorometry, luminometry Colorimetry, fluorometry, luminometry Colorimetry, fluorometry, luminometry
Enzyme labeling method Periodate oxidation Dimaleimide method, cross-linking reagent Glutaraldehyde method, cross-linking

Biotin-Avidin Enhanced ELISA:

Instead of labeling the mAb with an enzyme, the MAb can be labeled with biotin (Vitamin B12).
Then enzyme labeled avidin (a protein component of the egg white) is added.
Avidin binds to biotin with very high sensitivity and affinity. Subsequently the substrate is added. The enzyme (in the mAb-biotin-avidin-enzyme) complex acts upon the substrate and produce a colored product.
Biotin-avidin enhancement is also used in Immuno- fluorescent assays.

Micro Enzyme Immunoassays:

Instead of coating the micro titer plate wells with antigens or antibodies, small beads (1 mm in diameter) are coated with antigen or antibody and ELISA assays are performed. The microparticles offer larger surface area for antigen or antibody coating so that higher concentrations of antigen or antibody can be coated, which helps in shortening the time required for binding reactions.
Fluorescent enzyme immunoassay is identical to other EIAs except that they use fluorescent substrates. In the fluorescent EIA, the fluorophore is generated by an enzyme reaction. Following excitation of the fluorophore at its optimal wavelength, light at a characteristic wavelength is emitted. The emitted fluorescent light is measured.

Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay:

This method needs special instrumentation and special fluorescent labels to increase the assay sensitivity. The fluorescent label used in this assay exhibit a delayed fluorescence with a time period of 100 ns or more between excitation and emission. Most substances responsible for the background fluorescence have a short decay period. Therefore, the measurement of the delayed fluorescence signal will reduce the effects of background fluorescence.
This purpose is achieved with the use of special time- resolved fluorometer that produces a fast light pulse that excites the fluorophore. Fluorescence is measured a little while after excitation. Thus, the effect of non specific background, which generally decays in less than 10 ns can be eliminated.
The fluorophores exhibiting delayed fluorescence are:
i. Pyrene derivatives with a decay time of almost 100 ns.
ii. Rare earth metal chelate labels [such as europium (Eu3+), samarium (Sm3+), and terbium (Tb3+)] that have a very long decay time of about 50 to 100 µs.

Chemiluminescent Immunoassay:

Chemiluminescent immunoassays (CL-EIAs) use chemiluminescent substrates that react with various enzymes. The chemiluminescent substrate-enzyme reaction generates light, similar to bioluminescence. The chemiluminescent EIA systems are definite improvement over RIAs in terms of sensitivity, time efficiency, and procedural simplicity.
Chemiluminescence immunoassays use chemiluminescence generating molecules as labels.
i. Luminol derivatives
ii. Acridinium esters
iii. Nitrophenyl oxalate derivatives
iv. Ruthenium tri-bipridyl with tripropylamine for electrochemiluminescence
v. Basically, the assay methods don’t differ from RIAs/ FIAs.

This page was last modified on May 17, 2014.
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